Refresh | Reading at 12:01pm
on 2/6/2025 | Temperature 27.1°F | Dew Point 24.6°F
Wind 6.7 mph from E - 94°
| Barometer 30.18 in. | Humidity 90% | Rain Today 0.00 in.
The Station is located on the Camas Prairie of North Central Idaho, 2 Miles North of Reubens, Idaho, USA at an elevation of 3480 ft.
The webcam view is to the south looking at Cottonwood and Mason Buttes. The webcam was started in January, 2000 after receiving one for Christmas, 1999.
The weather station was started 12/5/2003 and was a LaCrosse WS-2310. On 10/17/2006, we traded up to a Davis Vantage Pro2. It has been much better except that a capacitor failed and the battery kept needing to be replaced. After much research, in Summer, 2012, a new capacitor was soldered in and it has been working like it is supposed to. Also in May, 2012, the weather station was removed from our house and placed on an old granary. The wind readings are much improved due to a greater distance from our windbreak.
The Weather Station was replaced with a new Davis Vantage Pro2 on 2/17/2019. The ISS couldn't keep transmitting for 24 hours during the winter months for the last couple of years. A new battery didn't seem to help. Also, the Console display failed. It was cheaper to buy a new kit than buy parts. The new one has bird spikes. Birds just love landing and letting go on the rain guage.
The software is Weather Display and has been used since inception.