Daily Report For September 2012
Averages\Extremes for day :01

 Average temperature     = 59.4°F
 Average humidity        = 43%
 Average dewpoint        = 35.8°F
 Average barometer       = 30.0 in.
 Average windspeed       = 1.7 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 3.7 mph
 Average direction       = 304° ( NW)
 Rainfall for month      = 0.00 in.
 Rainfall for year       = 16.17 in.
 Rainfall for day        = 0.00 in.
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 01 at time 00:00
 Maximum temperature     = 73.3°F on day 01 at time 15:05
 Minimum temperature     = 44.0°F on day 01 at time 23:54
 Maximum humidity        = 66% on day 01 at time 06:07
 Minimum humidity        = 27% on day 01 at time 17:05
 Maximum dewpoint        = 41.7°F on day 01 at time 09:07
 Minimum dewpoint        = 27.2°F on day 01 at time 22:46
 Maximum pressure        = 30.186 in. on day 01 at time 23:52
 Minimum pressure        = 29.855 in. on day 01 at time 01:05
 Maximum windspeed       = 8.1 mph on day 01 at time 17:41
 Maximum gust speed      = 15.0 mph  from 338 °(NNW) on day 01 at time 16:38
 Daily wind run          = 042.0miles
 Maximum heat index      = 76.8°F on day 01 at time 12:13

Click here for today´s 24 hour graph  :1  :9  :2012

Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :02 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 57.8°F Average humidity = 38% Average dewpoint = 30.7°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 2.6 mph Average gustspeed = 4.4 mph Average direction = 263° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 02 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 75.3°F on day 02 at time 16:01 Minimum temperature = 40.5°F on day 02 at time 05:50 Maximum humidity = 57% on day 02 at time 06:43 Minimum humidity = 19% on day 02 at time 17:26 Maximum dewpoint = 37.4°F on day 02 at time 11:50 Minimum dewpoint = 26.0°F on day 02 at time 5:50 Maximum pressure = 30.236 in. on day 02 at time 07:12 Minimum pressure = 30.118 in. on day 02 at time 15:45 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 02 at time 16:45 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 02 at time 16:44 Daily wind run = 061.9miles Maximum heat index = 76.3°F on day 02 at time 16:00 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :2 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :03 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 60.8°F Average humidity = 37% Average dewpoint = 32.6°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 2.5 mph Average gustspeed = 3.9 mph Average direction = 218° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 03 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 78.9°F on day 03 at time 14:59 Minimum temperature = 42.7°F on day 03 at time 05:11 Maximum humidity = 55% on day 03 at time 05:22 Minimum humidity = 20% on day 03 at time 16:46 Maximum dewpoint = 38.2°F on day 03 at time 13:54 Minimum dewpoint = 27.2°F on day 03 at time 5:10 Maximum pressure = 30.228 in. on day 03 at time 07:02 Minimum pressure = 30.060 in. on day 03 at time 17:46 Maximum windspeed = 9.2 mph on day 03 at time 23:39 Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 03 at time 17:00 Daily wind run = 060.8miles Maximum heat index = 78.1°F on day 03 at time 14:58 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :3 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :04 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.0°F Average humidity = 39% Average dewpoint = 36.7°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 3.1 mph Average gustspeed = 4.8 mph Average direction = 278° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 04 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 76.6°F on day 04 at time 16:38 Minimum temperature = 49.3°F on day 04 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 53% on day 04 at time 06:34 Minimum humidity = 24% on day 04 at time 16:56 Maximum dewpoint = 41.8°F on day 04 at time 10:56 Minimum dewpoint = 31.7°F on day 04 at time 22:12 Maximum pressure = 30.224 in. on day 04 at time 11:22 Minimum pressure = 30.077 in. on day 04 at time 00:01 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 04 at time 15:09 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 04 at time 14:37 Daily wind run = 073.6miles Maximum heat index = 77.2°F on day 04 at time 16:36 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :4 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :05 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 62.0°F Average humidity = 41% Average dewpoint = 36.8°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 2.3 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 317° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 05 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 81.4°F on day 05 at time 17:03 Minimum temperature = 43.8°F on day 05 at time 05:28 Maximum humidity = 65% on day 05 at time 03:17 Minimum humidity = 22% on day 05 at time 17:06 Maximum dewpoint = 43.1°F on day 05 at time 12:18 Minimum dewpoint = 31.2°F on day 05 at time 3:08 Maximum pressure = 30.190 in. on day 05 at time 07:11 Minimum pressure = 29.942 in. on day 05 at time 20:03 Maximum windspeed = 10.4 mph on day 05 at time 13:28 Maximum gust speed = 13.8 mph from 00 °( N ) on day 05 at time 14:14 Daily wind run = 055.8miles Maximum heat index = 79.6°F on day 05 at time 17:01 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :5 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :06 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.3°F Average humidity = 42% Average dewpoint = 39.5°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 4.5 mph Average gustspeed = 6.7 mph Average direction = 273° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 06 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 74.6°F on day 06 at time 14:29 Minimum temperature = 52.5°F on day 06 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 53% on day 06 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 30% on day 06 at time 14:20 Maximum dewpoint = 44.3°F on day 06 at time 11:04 Minimum dewpoint = 33.9°F on day 06 at time 0:00 Maximum pressure = 30.172 in. on day 06 at time 23:53 Minimum pressure = 29.934 in. on day 06 at time 01:20 Maximum windspeed = 17.3 mph on day 06 at time 11:40 Maximum gust speed = 23.0 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 06 at time 15:58 Daily wind run = 107.2miles Maximum heat index = 77.3°F on day 06 at time 12:23 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :6 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :07 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 61.0°F Average humidity = 47% Average dewpoint = 38.7°F Average barometer = 30.3 in. Average windspeed = 2.7 mph Average gustspeed = 4.0 mph Average direction = 332° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 07 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 80.9°F on day 07 at time 14:31 Minimum temperature = 43.8°F on day 07 at time 06:31 Maximum humidity = 77% on day 07 at time 06:41 Minimum humidity = 22% on day 07 at time 16:59 Maximum dewpoint = 45.7°F on day 07 at time 14:21 Minimum dewpoint = 32.8°F on day 07 at time 23:36 Maximum pressure = 30.325 in. on day 07 at time 07:18 Minimum pressure = 30.155 in. on day 07 at time 00:03 Maximum windspeed = 9.2 mph on day 07 at time 17:04 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 023 °(NNE) on day 07 at time 12:57 Daily wind run = 066.0miles Maximum heat index = 79.6°F on day 07 at time 14:30 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :7 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :08 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 68.7°F Average humidity = 31% Average dewpoint = 35.1°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 5.7 mph Average gustspeed = 7.0 mph Average direction = 101° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 08 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 85.2°F on day 08 at time 16:20 Minimum temperature = 49.1°F on day 08 at time 06:32 Maximum humidity = 53% on day 08 at time 06:40 Minimum humidity = 17% on day 08 at time 17:46 Maximum dewpoint = 40.1°F on day 08 at time 11:17 Minimum dewpoint = 31.1°F on day 08 at time 2:07 Maximum pressure = 30.263 in. on day 08 at time 07:04 Minimum pressure = 29.884 in. on day 08 at time 23:44 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 08 at time 13:46 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 068 °(ENE) on day 08 at time 13:37 Daily wind run = 136.8miles Maximum heat index = 82.1°F on day 08 at time 16:20 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :8 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :09 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 69.3°F Average humidity = 29% Average dewpoint = 34.5°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 3.1 mph Average gustspeed = 5.2 mph Average direction = 331° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 09 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 83.3°F on day 09 at time 15:12 Minimum temperature = 53.8°F on day 09 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 45% on day 09 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 14% on day 09 at time 15:15 Maximum dewpoint = 45.2°F on day 09 at time 10:54 Minimum dewpoint = 25.8°F on day 09 at time 17:58 Maximum pressure = 29.923 in. on day 09 at time 19:59 Minimum pressure = 29.801 in. on day 09 at time 04:38 Maximum windspeed = 18.4 mph on day 09 at time 12:39 Maximum gust speed = 21.9 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 09 at time 12:38 Daily wind run = 075.0miles Maximum heat index = 80.8°F on day 09 at time 13:55 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :9 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 53.6°F Average humidity = 53% Average dewpoint = 35.8°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 3.7 mph Average gustspeed = 5.9 mph Average direction = 277° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 10 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 66.5°F on day 10 at time 16:05 Minimum temperature = 38.4°F on day 10 at time 06:01 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 10 at time 06:28 Minimum humidity = 33% on day 10 at time 16:32 Maximum dewpoint = 44.0°F on day 10 at time 12:55 Minimum dewpoint = 25.4°F on day 10 at time 21:30 Maximum pressure = 30.180 in. on day 10 at time 23:48 Minimum pressure = 29.918 in. on day 10 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 10 at time 22:18 Maximum gust speed = 29.9 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 10 at time 14:15 Daily wind run = 088.7miles Maximum heat index = 66.5°F on day 10 at time 16:05 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :10 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :11 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 49.3°F Average humidity = 44% Average dewpoint = 26.8°F Average barometer = 30.3 in. Average windspeed = 3.5 mph Average gustspeed = 5.4 mph Average direction = 288° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 11 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 64.0°F on day 11 at time 16:51 Minimum temperature = 35.1°F on day 11 at time 06:53 Maximum humidity = 73% on day 11 at time 06:56 Minimum humidity = 21% on day 11 at time 17:02 Maximum dewpoint = 32.0°F on day 11 at time 11:30 Minimum dewpoint = 18.4°F on day 11 at time 21:45 Maximum pressure = 30.406 in. on day 11 at time 21:54 Minimum pressure = 30.173 in. on day 11 at time 00:02 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 10 at time 00:44 Maximum gust speed = 13.8 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 11 at time 10:30 Daily wind run = 084.8miles Maximum heat index = 64.0°F on day 11 at time 16:51 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :11 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :12 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 49.1°F Average humidity = 39% Average dewpoint = 23.9°F Average barometer = 30.5 in. Average windspeed = 2.5 mph Average gustspeed = 3.7 mph Average direction = 32° (NNE) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 12 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 70.9°F on day 12 at time 16:31 Minimum temperature = 30.8°F on day 12 at time 06:29 Maximum humidity = 63% on day 12 at time 06:53 Minimum humidity = 20% on day 12 at time 16:02 Maximum dewpoint = 30.2°F on day 12 at time 15:23 Minimum dewpoint = 18.5°F on day 12 at time 4:40 Maximum pressure = 30.545 in. on day 12 at time 09:29 Minimum pressure = 30.384 in. on day 12 at time 00:09 Maximum windspeed = 9.2 mph on day 12 at time 13:23 Maximum gust speed = 13.8 mph from 068 °(ENE) on day 12 at time 11:25 Daily wind run = 060.6miles Maximum heat index = 74.9°F on day 12 at time 16:28 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :12 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :13 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 58.2°F Average humidity = 32% Average dewpoint = 26.4°F Average barometer = 30.4 in. Average windspeed = 4.4 mph Average gustspeed = 5.5 mph Average direction = 122° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 13 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 76.5°F on day 13 at time 15:42 Minimum temperature = 41.2°F on day 13 at time 06:48 Maximum humidity = 53% on day 13 at time 06:54 Minimum humidity = 17% on day 13 at time 18:33 Maximum dewpoint = 32.1°F on day 13 at time 15:38 Minimum dewpoint = 20.2°F on day 13 at time 23:48 Maximum pressure = 30.516 in. on day 13 at time 07:04 Minimum pressure = 30.256 in. on day 13 at time 23:40 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 13 at time 12:16 Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 090 °( E ) on day 13 at time 12:35 Daily wind run = 104.9miles Maximum heat index = 76.6°F on day 13 at time 15:42 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :13 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :14 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 64.7°F Average humidity = 27% Average dewpoint = 28.8°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 3.3 mph Average gustspeed = 4.6 mph Average direction = 87° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 14 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 82.9°F on day 14 at time 16:28 Minimum temperature = 48.1°F on day 14 at time 06:28 Maximum humidity = 37% on day 14 at time 06:45 Minimum humidity = 17% on day 14 at time 13:21 Maximum dewpoint = 41.8°F on day 14 at time 17:31 Minimum dewpoint = 20.6°F on day 14 at time 4:07 Maximum pressure = 30.279 in. on day 14 at time 07:09 Minimum pressure = 30.043 in. on day 14 at time 23:10 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 14 at time 11:42 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 090 °( E ) on day 14 at time 12:45 Daily wind run = 080.3miles Maximum heat index = 80.6°F on day 14 at time 16:28 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :14 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 68.7°F Average humidity = 29% Average dewpoint = 35.1°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 2.7 mph Average gustspeed = 4.2 mph Average direction = 234° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 15 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 85.2°F on day 15 at time 13:50 Minimum temperature = 55.1°F on day 15 at time 00:24 Maximum humidity = 40% on day 15 at time 21:12 Minimum humidity = 21% on day 15 at time 11:55 Maximum dewpoint = 43.7°F on day 15 at time 16:34 Minimum dewpoint = 28.0°F on day 15 at time 0:08 Maximum pressure = 30.166 in. on day 15 at time 08:18 Minimum pressure = 30.026 in. on day 15 at time 04:02 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 15 at time 02:40 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 180 °( S ) on day 15 at time 02:40 Daily wind run = 065.0miles Maximum heat index = 82.3°F on day 15 at time 13:50 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :15 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :16 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 66.0°F Average humidity = 34% Average dewpoint = 36.2°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 2.6 mph Average gustspeed = 4.2 mph Average direction = 286° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 16 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 80.5°F on day 16 at time 14:50 Minimum temperature = 53.1°F on day 16 at time 23:46 Maximum humidity = 45% on day 16 at time 23:47 Minimum humidity = 22% on day 16 at time 15:00 Maximum dewpoint = 42.6°F on day 16 at time 00:23 Minimum dewpoint = 30.5°F on day 16 at time 23:43 Maximum pressure = 30.212 in. on day 16 at time 08:09 Minimum pressure = 30.060 in. on day 16 at time 00:30 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 16 at time 13:12 Maximum gust speed = 18.4 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 16 at time 13:11 Daily wind run = 063.2miles Maximum heat index = 79.1°F on day 16 at time 14:49 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :16 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 62.9°F Average humidity = 30% Average dewpoint = 29.7°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 2.4 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 293° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 17 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 79.3°F on day 17 at time 16:40 Minimum temperature = 44.9°F on day 17 at time 07:16 Maximum humidity = 46% on day 17 at time 07:25 Minimum humidity = 18% on day 17 at time 15:34 Maximum dewpoint = 35.4°F on day 17 at time 16:30 Minimum dewpoint = 24.6°F on day 17 at time 7:00 Maximum pressure = 30.275 in. on day 17 at time 07:25 Minimum pressure = 30.136 in. on day 17 at time 02:59 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 17 at time 15:05 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 17 at time 15:04 Daily wind run = 057.0miles Maximum heat index = 78.2°F on day 17 at time 16:40 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :17 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :18 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.5°F Average humidity = 31% Average dewpoint = 31.0°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 2.0 mph Average gustspeed = 3.2 mph Average direction = 270° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 18 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 83.4°F on day 18 at time 15:46 Minimum temperature = 48.2°F on day 18 at time 01:02 Maximum humidity = 44% on day 18 at time 07:54 Minimum humidity = 17% on day 18 at time 15:54 Maximum dewpoint = 37.9°F on day 18 at time 11:19 Minimum dewpoint = 26.1°F on day 18 at time 1:09 Maximum pressure = 30.246 in. on day 18 at time 08:05 Minimum pressure = 30.093 in. on day 18 at time 16:40 Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph on day 18 at time 12:45 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 023 °(NNE) on day 18 at time 16:27 Daily wind run = 047.3miles Maximum heat index = 80.7°F on day 18 at time 15:46 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :18 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :19 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.1°F Average humidity = 32% Average dewpoint = 31.3°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 2.1 mph Average gustspeed = 3.3 mph Average direction = 236° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 19 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 85.0°F on day 19 at time 15:49 Minimum temperature = 48.5°F on day 19 at time 07:16 Maximum humidity = 48% on day 19 at time 05:37 Minimum humidity = 16% on day 19 at time 16:22 Maximum dewpoint = 38.5°F on day 19 at time 12:06 Minimum dewpoint = 26.1°F on day 19 at time 21:11 Maximum pressure = 30.259 in. on day 19 at time 08:13 Minimum pressure = 30.126 in. on day 19 at time 04:17 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 19 at time 14:15 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 19 at time 14:14 Daily wind run = 050.8miles Maximum heat index = 81.9°F on day 19 at time 15:49 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :19 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 64.5°F Average humidity = 32% Average dewpoint = 32.4°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 2.0 mph Average gustspeed = 3.2 mph Average direction = 89° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 20 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 87.3°F on day 20 at time 16:22 Minimum temperature = 46.5°F on day 20 at time 06:08 Maximum humidity = 47% on day 20 at time 06:09 Minimum humidity = 17% on day 20 at time 16:38 Maximum dewpoint = 42.4°F on day 20 at time 13:40 Minimum dewpoint = 26.8°F on day 20 at time 6:08 Maximum pressure = 30.266 in. on day 20 at time 07:37 Minimum pressure = 30.106 in. on day 20 at time 16:58 Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph on day 20 at time 12:30 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 068 °(ENE) on day 20 at time 14:07 Daily wind run = 048.9miles Maximum heat index = 83.8°F on day 20 at time 16:22 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :20 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :21 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.4°F Average humidity = 37% Average dewpoint = 35.8°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 3.0 mph Average gustspeed = 4.1 mph Average direction = 125° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 21 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 78.7°F on day 21 at time 15:30 Minimum temperature = 51.5°F on day 21 at time 07:21 Maximum humidity = 52% on day 21 at time 07:38 Minimum humidity = 24% on day 21 at time 15:16 Maximum dewpoint = 41.8°F on day 21 at time 17:35 Minimum dewpoint = 30.7°F on day 21 at time 3:07 Maximum pressure = 30.181 in. on day 21 at time 07:17 Minimum pressure = 30.013 in. on day 21 at time 16:19 Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph on day 21 at time 14:26 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 045 °( NE) on day 21 at time 14:25 Daily wind run = 072.5miles Maximum heat index = 78.2°F on day 21 at time 15:13 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :21 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :22 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 63.3°F Average humidity = 43% Average dewpoint = 39.8°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 2.1 mph Average gustspeed = 3.4 mph Average direction = 260° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 22 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 80.9°F on day 22 at time 14:05 Minimum temperature = 48.9°F on day 22 at time 04:24 Maximum humidity = 58% on day 22 at time 04:30 Minimum humidity = 27% on day 22 at time 14:06 Maximum dewpoint = 45.7°F on day 22 at time 13:53 Minimum dewpoint = 32.3°F on day 22 at time 4:20 Maximum pressure = 30.117 in. on day 22 at time 09:05 Minimum pressure = 30.003 in. on day 22 at time 15:35 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 22 at time 23:23 Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 068 °(ENE) on day 22 at time 23:23 Daily wind run = 045.0miles Maximum heat index = 79.6°F on day 22 at time 14:05 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :22 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :23 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 57.5°F Average humidity = 48% Average dewpoint = 37.7°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 0.8 mph Average gustspeed = 2.2 mph Average direction = 305° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 23 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 67.3°F on day 23 at time 14:23 Minimum temperature = 47.4°F on day 23 at time 23:54 Maximum humidity = 64% on day 23 at time 23:59 Minimum humidity = 34% on day 23 at time 12:13 Maximum dewpoint = 41.1°F on day 23 at time 00:07 Minimum dewpoint = 34.8°F on day 23 at time 21:09 Maximum pressure = 30.216 in. on day 23 at time 20:57 Minimum pressure = 30.005 in. on day 23 at time 00:02 Maximum windspeed = 5.8 mph on day 23 at time 12:56 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 23 at time 14:16 Daily wind run = 018.8miles Maximum heat index = 67.3°F on day 23 at time 14:23 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :23 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :24 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 58.2°F Average humidity = 52% Average dewpoint = 39.9°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 1.1 mph Average gustspeed = 2.1 mph Average direction = 253° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 24 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 74.7°F on day 24 at time 14:23 Minimum temperature = 47.5°F on day 24 at time 02:56 Maximum humidity = 64% on day 24 at time 04:28 Minimum humidity = 33% on day 24 at time 14:27 Maximum dewpoint = 44.7°F on day 24 at time 13:55 Minimum dewpoint = 35.3°F on day 24 at time 0:18 Maximum pressure = 30.223 in. on day 24 at time 08:01 Minimum pressure = 30.037 in. on day 24 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 5.8 mph on day 24 at time 12:50 Maximum gust speed = 9.2 mph from 023 °(NNE) on day 24 at time 14:30 Daily wind run = 027.4miles Maximum heat index = 77.4°F on day 24 at time 11:10 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :24 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 61.0°F Average humidity = 55% Average dewpoint = 43.8°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 1.2 mph Average gustspeed = 2.3 mph Average direction = 284° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 25 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 75.1°F on day 25 at time 16:15 Minimum temperature = 47.9°F on day 25 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 79% on day 25 at time 23:56 Minimum humidity = 36% on day 25 at time 16:20 Maximum dewpoint = 47.6°F on day 25 at time 13:36 Minimum dewpoint = 40.2°F on day 25 at time 7:31 Maximum pressure = 30.104 in. on day 25 at time 08:02 Minimum pressure = 30.003 in. on day 25 at time 02:56 Maximum windspeed = 5.8 mph on day 25 at time 01:58 Maximum gust speed = 10.4 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 25 at time 16:30 Daily wind run = 027.7miles Maximum heat index = 77.5°F on day 25 at time 17:55 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :25 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :26 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 57.3°F Average humidity = 60% Average dewpoint = 41.7°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 1.3 mph Average gustspeed = 2.4 mph Average direction = 310° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 26 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 73.8°F on day 26 at time 13:41 Minimum temperature = 42.0°F on day 26 at time 06:30 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 26 at time 06:47 Minimum humidity = 30% on day 26 at time 18:03 Maximum dewpoint = 49.1°F on day 26 at time 08:40 Minimum dewpoint = 32.2°F on day 26 at time 20:28 Maximum pressure = 30.191 in. on day 26 at time 07:26 Minimum pressure = 30.070 in. on day 26 at time 01:57 Maximum windspeed = 5.8 mph on day 26 at time 13:13 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 293 °(WNW) on day 26 at time 14:41 Daily wind run = 031.4miles Maximum heat index = 77.5°F on day 26 at time 12:46 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :26 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :27 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 57.2°F Average humidity = 54% Average dewpoint = 39.3°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 2.5 mph Average gustspeed = 3.8 mph Average direction = 357° ( N ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 27 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 78.9°F on day 27 at time 15:00 Minimum temperature = 41.6°F on day 27 at time 06:46 Maximum humidity = 79% on day 27 at time 06:52 Minimum humidity = 29% on day 27 at time 16:32 Maximum dewpoint = 46.6°F on day 27 at time 14:52 Minimum dewpoint = 33.9°F on day 27 at time 0:11 Maximum pressure = 30.231 in. on day 27 at time 07:12 Minimum pressure = 30.056 in. on day 27 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph on day 27 at time 13:48 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 045 °( NE) on day 27 at time 15:48 Daily wind run = 061.3miles Maximum heat index = 78.6°F on day 27 at time 15:00 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :27 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 90.5 DMC = 226.6 BUI = 262.6 ISI = 5.9 DC = 780.2 FWI = 28.0 Averages\Extremes for day :28 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 61.5°F Average humidity = 45% Average dewpoint = 38.8°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 1.4 mph Average gustspeed = 2.3 mph Average direction = 193° (SSW) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 28 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 80.1°F on day 28 at time 12:41 Minimum temperature = 46.7°F on day 28 at time 07:06 Maximum humidity = 65% on day 28 at time 07:11 Minimum humidity = 26% on day 28 at time 13:01 Maximum dewpoint = 44.2°F on day 28 at time 11:00 Minimum dewpoint = 35.1°F on day 28 at time 5:36 Maximum pressure = 30.103 in. on day 28 at time 08:11 Minimum pressure = 29.991 in. on day 28 at time 13:44 Maximum windspeed = 6.9 mph on day 28 at time 11:44 Maximum gust speed = 9.2 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 28 at time 14:18 Daily wind run = 034.2miles Maximum heat index = 79.0°F on day 28 at time 12:41 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :28 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 92.7 DMC = 229.7 BUI = 265.4 ISI = 7.9 DC = 785.6 FWI = 34.0 Averages\Extremes for day :29 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 61.6°F Average humidity = 49% Average dewpoint = 41.5°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 1.8 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 277° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 29 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 78.7°F on day 29 at time 13:23 Minimum temperature = 46.0°F on day 29 at time 06:40 Maximum humidity = 72% on day 29 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 32% on day 29 at time 13:35 Maximum dewpoint = 47.7°F on day 29 at time 12:42 Minimum dewpoint = 35.1°F on day 29 at time 6:16 Maximum pressure = 30.217 in. on day 29 at time 23:45 Minimum pressure = 30.030 in. on day 29 at time 00:19 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 29 at time 11:21 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 29 at time 15:14 Daily wind run = 043.6miles Maximum heat index = 78.6°F on day 29 at time 13:22 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :29 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 92.7 DMC = 232.3 BUI = 267.9 ISI = 8.4 DC = 790.9 FWI = 35.4 Averages\Extremes for day :30 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 58.0°F Average humidity = 53% Average dewpoint = 39.1°F Average barometer = 30.3 in. Average windspeed = 1.7 mph Average gustspeed = 2.9 mph Average direction = 272° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.00 in. Rainfall for year = 16.17 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 30 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 75.6°F on day 30 at time 16:03 Minimum temperature = 45.6°F on day 30 at time 23:21 Maximum humidity = 83% on day 30 at time 07:06 Minimum humidity = 27% on day 30 at time 17:26 Maximum dewpoint = 46.5°F on day 30 at time 08:25 Minimum dewpoint = 29.4°F on day 30 at time 23:14 Maximum pressure = 30.434 in. on day 30 at time 20:50 Minimum pressure = 30.196 in. on day 30 at time 00:43 Maximum windspeed = 10.4 mph on day 30 at time 09:52 Maximum gust speed = 12.7 mph from 023 °(NNE) on day 30 at time 09:51 Daily wind run = 039.7miles Maximum heat index = 77.4°F on day 30 at time 11:28 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :30 :9 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 92.2 DMC = 234.6 BUI = 270.1 ISI = 7.4 DC = 795.6 FWI = 32.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Averages\Extremes for the month of September 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average temperature = 60.9°F Average humidity = 41% Average dewpoint = 35.1°F Average barometer = 30.149 in. Average windspeed = 2.6 mph Average gustspeed = 4.0 mph Average direction = 280° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 0.000 in. Rainfall for year = 16.169 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.000 in on day 30 at time 23:54 Maximum temperature = 87.3°F on day 20 at time 16:22 Minimum temperature = 30.8°F on day 12 at time 06:29 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 26 at time 06:47 Minimum humidity = 14% on day 09 at time 15:15 Maximum dewpoint = 49.1°F on day 26 at time 08:40 Minimum dewpoint = 18.4°F on day 11 at time 21:45 Maximum pressure = 30.55 in. on day 12 at time 09:29 Minimum pressure = 29.80 in. on day 09 at time 04:38 Maximum windspeed = 18.4 mph from 270°( W ) on day 09 at time 12:39 Maximum gust speed = 29.9 mph from 270°( W ) on day 10 at time 14:15 Maximum heat index = 83.8°F on day 20 at time 16:22 Avg daily max temp :77.8°F Avg daily min temp :45.8°F Total windrun = 1829.2miles Frost days= 1 ----------------------------------- Daily rain totals -----------------------------------