Daily Report For March 2012
Averages\Extremes for day :01

 Average temperature     = 26.7°F
 Average humidity        = 83%
 Average dewpoint        = 22.0°F
 Average barometer       = 30.1 in.
 Average windspeed       = 5.0 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 6.9 mph
 Average direction       = 271° ( W )
 Rainfall for month      = 0.02 in.
 Rainfall for year       = 2.90 in.
 Rainfall for day        = 0.02 in.
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 01 at time 12:44
 Maximum temperature     = 31.7°F on day 01 at time 13:52
 Minimum temperature     = 22.0°F on day 01 at time 07:23
 Maximum humidity        = 93% on day 01 at time 19:45
 Minimum humidity        = 66% on day 01 at time 13:01
 Maximum dewpoint        = 24.8°F on day 01 at time 16:42
 Minimum dewpoint        = 17.1°F on day 01 at time 7:23
 Maximum pressure        = 30.406 in. on day 01 at time 23:57
 Minimum pressure        = 29.950 in. on day 01 at time 02:56
 Maximum windspeed       = 17.3 mph on day 01 at time 16:08
 Maximum gust speed      = 23.0 mph  from 315 °( NW) on day 01 at time 16:07
 Maximum heat index      = 31.7°F on day 01 at time 13:52

Click here for today´s 24 hour graph  :1  :3  :2012

Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :02 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 29.8°F Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 23.1°F Average barometer = 30.5 in. Average windspeed = 3.2 mph Average gustspeed = 4.7 mph Average direction = 252° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.04 in. Rainfall for year = 2.92 in. Rainfall for day = 0.02 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 02 at time 13:45 Maximum temperature = 32.7°F on day 02 at time 15:41 Minimum temperature = 25.4°F on day 02 at time 05:05 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 02 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 64% on day 02 at time 11:27 Maximum dewpoint = 28.9°F on day 02 at time 23:46 Minimum dewpoint = 18.6°F on day 02 at time 5:01 Maximum pressure = 30.553 in. on day 02 at time 08:36 Minimum pressure = 30.405 in. on day 02 at time 00:01 Maximum windspeed = 10.4 mph on day 02 at time 13:51 Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 248 °(WSW) on day 02 at time 14:14 Maximum heat index = 32.7°F on day 02 at time 15:41 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :2 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :03 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 37.5°F Average humidity = 82% Average dewpoint = 32.5°F Average barometer = 30.4 in. Average windspeed = 2.5 mph Average gustspeed = 3.9 mph Average direction = 255° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.07 in. Rainfall for year = 2.95 in. Rainfall for day = 0.03 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 03 at time 08:40 Maximum temperature = 44.2°F on day 03 at time 12:37 Minimum temperature = 30.3°F on day 03 at time 00:13 Maximum humidity = 95% on day 03 at time 07:45 Minimum humidity = 69% on day 03 at time 12:38 Maximum dewpoint = 36.2°F on day 03 at time 14:20 Minimum dewpoint = 28.3°F on day 03 at time 4:25 Maximum pressure = 30.481 in. on day 03 at time 00:24 Minimum pressure = 30.415 in. on day 03 at time 12:38 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 03 at time 12:12 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 270 °( W ) on day 03 at time 12:12 Maximum heat index = 44.2°F on day 03 at time 12:37 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :3 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :04 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 42.8°F Average humidity = 73% Average dewpoint = 33.9°F Average barometer = 30.3 in. Average windspeed = 3.2 mph Average gustspeed = 4.2 mph Average direction = 177° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.08 in. Rainfall for year = 2.96 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 04 at time 07:19 Maximum temperature = 59.0°F on day 04 at time 14:52 Minimum temperature = 29.8°F on day 04 at time 03:27 Maximum humidity = 98% on day 04 at time 04:49 Minimum humidity = 48% on day 04 at time 15:49 Maximum dewpoint = 41.9°F on day 04 at time 11:54 Minimum dewpoint = 27.6°F on day 04 at time 3:26 Maximum pressure = 30.476 in. on day 04 at time 04:35 Minimum pressure = 30.068 in. on day 04 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 04 at time 23:33 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 04 at time 23:32 Maximum heat index = 59.0°F on day 04 at time 14:52 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :4 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :05 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 40.4°F Average humidity = 69% Average dewpoint = 30.8°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 5.3 mph Average gustspeed = 7.6 mph Average direction = 257° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.15 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 05 at time 19:51 Maximum temperature = 47.4°F on day 05 at time 14:46 Minimum temperature = 27.9°F on day 05 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 05 at time 20:15 Minimum humidity = 47% on day 05 at time 11:29 Maximum dewpoint = 33.9°F on day 05 at time 18:44 Minimum dewpoint = 21.6°F on day 05 at time 23:58 Maximum pressure = 30.082 in. on day 05 at time 00:06 Minimum pressure = 29.732 in. on day 05 at time 15:03 Maximum windspeed = 17.3 mph on day 05 at time 15:30 Maximum gust speed = 21.9 mph from 338 °(NNW) on day 05 at time 15:32 Maximum heat index = 47.4°F on day 05 at time 14:46 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :5 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :06 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 26.1°F Average humidity = 69% Average dewpoint = 17.2°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 3.9 mph Average gustspeed = 5.6 mph Average direction = 287° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 06 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 30.5°F on day 06 at time 16:21 Minimum temperature = 22.6°F on day 06 at time 06:15 Maximum humidity = 86% on day 06 at time 09:57 Minimum humidity = 50% on day 06 at time 17:14 Maximum dewpoint = 22.4°F on day 06 at time 11:03 Minimum dewpoint = 11.0°F on day 06 at time 22:14 Maximum pressure = 30.388 in. on day 06 at time 23:00 Minimum pressure = 29.860 in. on day 06 at time 00:04 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 06 at time 12:04 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 315 °( NW) on day 06 at time 16:42 Maximum heat index = 30.5°F on day 06 at time 16:21 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :6 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :07 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 29.8°F Average humidity = 63% Average dewpoint = 18.6°F Average barometer = 30.6 in. Average windspeed = 2.8 mph Average gustspeed = 4.1 mph Average direction = 176° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 07 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 42.6°F on day 07 at time 15:56 Minimum temperature = 20.8°F on day 07 at time 06:24 Maximum humidity = 78% on day 07 at time 07:24 Minimum humidity = 40% on day 07 at time 15:07 Maximum dewpoint = 24.1°F on day 07 at time 17:13 Minimum dewpoint = 11.5°F on day 07 at time 0:45 Maximum pressure = 30.684 in. on day 07 at time 19:19 Minimum pressure = 30.381 in. on day 07 at time 00:03 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 07 at time 21:18 Maximum gust speed = 13.8 mph from 135 °( SE) on day 07 at time 21:18 Maximum heat index = 42.6°F on day 07 at time 15:56 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :7 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :08 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 38.6°F Average humidity = 68% Average dewpoint = 28.2°F Average barometer = 30.6 in. Average windspeed = 8.2 mph Average gustspeed = 10.0 mph Average direction = 129° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 08 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 55.5°F on day 08 at time 14:41 Minimum temperature = 25.7°F on day 08 at time 03:43 Maximum humidity = 85% on day 08 at time 04:34 Minimum humidity = 43% on day 08 at time 21:59 Maximum dewpoint = 38.9°F on day 08 at time 14:28 Minimum dewpoint = 21.5°F on day 08 at time 6:21 Maximum pressure = 30.692 in. on day 08 at time 07:45 Minimum pressure = 30.453 in. on day 08 at time 22:06 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 08 at time 12:02 Maximum gust speed = 18.4 mph from 135 °( SE) on day 08 at time 05:20 Maximum heat index = 55.5°F on day 08 at time 14:41 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :8 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :09 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 48.9°F Average humidity = 48% Average dewpoint = 29.7°F Average barometer = 30.3 in. Average windspeed = 2.9 mph Average gustspeed = 4.3 mph Average direction = 192° (SSW) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 09 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 66.5°F on day 09 at time 14:18 Minimum temperature = 36.9°F on day 09 at time 05:30 Maximum humidity = 65% on day 09 at time 07:47 Minimum humidity = 32% on day 09 at time 14:25 Maximum dewpoint = 40.5°F on day 09 at time 12:45 Minimum dewpoint = 22.6°F on day 09 at time 22:53 Maximum pressure = 30.456 in. on day 09 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 30.035 in. on day 09 at time 23:53 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 09 at time 10:52 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 158 °(SSE) on day 09 at time 10:57 Maximum heat index = 66.5°F on day 09 at time 14:18 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :9 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 44.4°F Average humidity = 58% Average dewpoint = 29.9°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 3.9 mph Average gustspeed = 5.2 mph Average direction = 343° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 0.23 in. Rainfall for year = 3.11 in. Rainfall for day = 0.00 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.00 in. on day 10 at time 00:00 Maximum temperature = 57.3°F on day 10 at time 12:06 Minimum temperature = 36.2°F on day 10 at time 06:01 Maximum humidity = 79% on day 10 at time 22:03 Minimum humidity = 37% on day 10 at time 12:07 Maximum dewpoint = 36.0°F on day 10 at time 13:13 Minimum dewpoint = 22.6°F on day 10 at time 0:48 Maximum pressure = 30.054 in. on day 10 at time 07:07 Minimum pressure = 29.787 in. on day 10 at time 23:59 Maximum windspeed = 16.1 mph on day 10 at time 14:41 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 338 °(NNW) on day 10 at time 15:30 Maximum heat index = 57.3°F on day 10 at time 12:06 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :10 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :11 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 35.3°F Average humidity = 80% Average dewpoint = 29.6°F Average barometer = 29.8 in. Average windspeed = 2.3 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 248° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 0.43 in. Rainfall for year = 3.31 in. Rainfall for day = 0.20 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 11 at time 16:24 Maximum temperature = 40.2°F on day 11 at time 03:09 Minimum temperature = 28.9°F on day 11 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 11 at time 14:30 Minimum humidity = 65% on day 11 at time 03:09 Maximum dewpoint = 33.2°F on day 11 at time 14:36 Minimum dewpoint = 23.1°F on day 11 at time 023:57 Maximum pressure = 30.041 in. on day 11 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 29.682 in. on day 11 at time 08:04 Maximum windspeed = 12.7 mph on day 11 at time 11:51 Maximum gust speed = 21.9 mph from 315 °( NW) on day 11 at time 11:09 Maximum heat index = 40.2°F on day 11 at time 03:09 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :11 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :12 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 34.0°F Average humidity = 79% Average dewpoint = 28.0°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 8.6 mph Average gustspeed = 11.0 mph Average direction = 172° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.44 in. Rainfall for year = 3.32 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 12 at time 11:10 Maximum temperature = 40.6°F on day 12 at time 17:35 Minimum temperature = 24.8°F on day 12 at time 03:59 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 12 at time 07:04 Minimum humidity = 68% on day 12 at time 12:39 Maximum dewpoint = 33.6°F on day 12 at time 23:53 Minimum dewpoint = 19.0°F on day 12 at time 2:58 Maximum pressure = 30.065 in. on day 12 at time 01:58 Minimum pressure = 29.610 in. on day 12 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 23.0 mph on day 12 at time 12:49 Maximum gust speed = 33.4 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 12 at time 12:35 Maximum heat index = 40.6°F on day 12 at time 17:35 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :12 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :13 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 34.1°F Average humidity = 81% Average dewpoint = 28.8°F Average barometer = 29.8 in. Average windspeed = 9.4 mph Average gustspeed = 13.0 mph Average direction = 212° (SSW) Rainfall for month = 0.55 in. Rainfall for year = 3.43 in. Rainfall for day = 0.11 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 13 at time 16:40 Maximum temperature = 46.1°F on day 13 at time 01:33 Minimum temperature = 27.1°F on day 13 at time 23:50 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 13 at time 12:25 Minimum humidity = 63% on day 13 at time 01:33 Maximum dewpoint = 35.7°F on day 13 at time 02:59 Minimum dewpoint = 21.6°F on day 13 at time 023:47 Maximum pressure = 30.126 in. on day 13 at time 23:51 Minimum pressure = 29.496 in. on day 13 at time 07:08 Maximum windspeed = 38.0 mph on day 13 at time 05:24 Maximum gust speed = 49.5 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 13 at time 05:23 Maximum heat index = 46.1°F on day 13 at time 01:33 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :13 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :14 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 31.6°F Average humidity = 91% Average dewpoint = 29.1°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 5.5 mph Average gustspeed = 6.7 mph Average direction = 118° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 0.58 in. Rainfall for year = 3.46 in. Rainfall for day = 0.03 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 14 at time 12:22 Maximum temperature = 37.6°F on day 14 at time 22:32 Minimum temperature = 26.2°F on day 14 at time 06:32 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 14 at time 11:36 Minimum humidity = 80% on day 14 at time 00:03 Maximum dewpoint = 33.6°F on day 14 at time 22:30 Minimum dewpoint = 21.9°F on day 14 at time 00:10 Maximum pressure = 30.158 in. on day 14 at time 20:59 Minimum pressure = 30.069 in. on day 14 at time 04:08 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 14 at time 14:47 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 113 °(ESE) on day 14 at time 14:46 Maximum heat index = 37.6°F on day 14 at time 22:32 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :14 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 42.5°F Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 37.7°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 5.2 mph Average gustspeed = 7.1 mph Average direction = 177° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 0.73 in. Rainfall for year = 3.61 in. Rainfall for day = 0.15 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 15 at time 23:58 Maximum temperature = 50.5°F on day 15 at time 14:16 Minimum temperature = 34.4°F on day 15 at time 05:08 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 15 at time 21:57 Minimum humidity = 68% on day 15 at time 14:27 Maximum dewpoint = 42.8°F on day 15 at time 15:07 Minimum dewpoint = 31.7°F on day 15 at time 1:08 Maximum pressure = 30.110 in. on day 15 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 29.763 in. on day 15 at time 23:09 Maximum windspeed = 21.9 mph on day 15 at time 14:21 Maximum gust speed = 31.1 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 15 at time 14:20 Maximum heat index = 50.5°F on day 15 at time 14:16 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :15 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :16 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 36.8°F Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = 33.9°F Average barometer = 29.8 in. Average windspeed = 6.9 mph Average gustspeed = 9.0 mph Average direction = 134° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 1.31 in. Rainfall for year = 4.19 in. Rainfall for day = 0.58 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 16 at time 11:22 Maximum temperature = 45.4°F on day 16 at time 15:50 Minimum temperature = 32.1°F on day 16 at time 06:01 Maximum humidity = 99% on day 16 at time 12:34 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 16 at time 15:55 Maximum dewpoint = 38.2°F on day 16 at time 13:31 Minimum dewpoint = 30.8°F on day 16 at time 5:07 Maximum pressure = 29.911 in. on day 16 at time 12:38 Minimum pressure = 29.607 in. on day 16 at time 23:53 Maximum windspeed = 17.3 mph on day 16 at time 20:27 Maximum gust speed = 24.2 mph from 135 °( SE) on day 16 at time 18:49 Maximum heat index = 45.4°F on day 16 at time 15:50 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :16 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 36.6°F Average humidity = 87% Average dewpoint = 33.0°F Average barometer = 29.6 in. Average windspeed = 3.8 mph Average gustspeed = 5.2 mph Average direction = 124° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 1.48 in. Rainfall for year = 4.36 in. Rainfall for day = 0.17 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 17 at time 09:15 Maximum temperature = 42.6°F on day 17 at time 14:55 Minimum temperature = 32.1°F on day 17 at time 23:18 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 17 at time 23:54 Minimum humidity = 56% on day 17 at time 14:55 Maximum dewpoint = 37.5°F on day 17 at time 13:02 Minimum dewpoint = 28.0°F on day 17 at time 14:55 Maximum pressure = 29.755 in. on day 17 at time 21:46 Minimum pressure = 29.487 in. on day 17 at time 03:04 Maximum windspeed = 13.8 mph on day 17 at time 03:03 Maximum gust speed = 18.4 mph from 135 °( SE) on day 17 at time 01:48 Maximum heat index = 42.6°F on day 17 at time 14:55 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :17 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :18 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 31.2°F Average humidity = 86% Average dewpoint = 27.5°F Average barometer = 29.7 in. Average windspeed = 2.7 mph Average gustspeed = 3.8 mph Average direction = 290° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 1.49 in. Rainfall for year = 4.37 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 18 at time 17:09 Maximum temperature = 34.8°F on day 18 at time 14:56 Minimum temperature = 28.8°F on day 18 at time 20:52 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 18 at time 21:41 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 18 at time 04:11 Maximum dewpoint = 31.5°F on day 18 at time 14:28 Minimum dewpoint = 24.3°F on day 18 at time 03:32 Maximum pressure = 29.853 in. on day 18 at time 23:45 Minimum pressure = 29.630 in. on day 18 at time 10:54 Maximum windspeed = 8.1 mph on day 18 at time 14:34 Maximum gust speed = 15.0 mph from 293 °(WNW) on day 18 at time 15:31 Maximum heat index = 34.8°F on day 18 at time 14:56 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :18 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :19 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 30.6°F Average humidity = 72% Average dewpoint = 21.9°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 2.3 mph Average gustspeed = 3.5 mph Average direction = 254° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 1.50 in. Rainfall for year = 4.38 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 19 at time 14:14 Maximum temperature = 40.6°F on day 19 at time 14:50 Minimum temperature = 20.6°F on day 19 at time 07:46 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 19 at time 08:08 Minimum humidity = 41% on day 19 at time 18:03 Maximum dewpoint = 29.2°F on day 19 at time 12:13 Minimum dewpoint = 13.0°F on day 19 at time 19:11 Maximum pressure = 30.091 in. on day 19 at time 19:55 Minimum pressure = 29.848 in. on day 19 at time 00:05 Maximum windspeed = 10.4 mph on day 19 at time 15:54 Maximum gust speed = 17.3 mph from 315 °( NW) on day 19 at time 15:53 Maximum heat index = 40.6°F on day 19 at time 14:50 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :19 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 32.2°F Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 27.5°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 5.4 mph Average gustspeed = 7.7 mph Average direction = 193° (SSW) Rainfall for month = 1.54 in. Rainfall for year = 4.42 in. Rainfall for day = 0.04 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 20 at time 20:03 Maximum temperature = 36.8°F on day 20 at time 14:34 Minimum temperature = 29.2°F on day 20 at time 00:42 Maximum humidity = 95% on day 20 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 63% on day 20 at time 04:54 Maximum dewpoint = 31.8°F on day 20 at time 14:24 Minimum dewpoint = 20.1°F on day 20 at time 02:50 Maximum pressure = 30.151 in. on day 20 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 29.920 in. on day 20 at time 05:40 Maximum windspeed = 28.8 mph on day 20 at time 10:32 Maximum gust speed = 38.0 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 20 at time 12:01 Maximum heat index = 36.8°F on day 20 at time 14:34 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :20 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :21 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 32.0°F Average humidity = 93% Average dewpoint = 30.3°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 1.5 mph Average gustspeed = 1.8 mph Average direction = 67° (ENE) Rainfall for month = 2.13 in. Rainfall for year = 5.01 in. Rainfall for day = 0.59 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 21 at time 20:21 Maximum temperature = 37.6°F on day 21 at time 15:23 Minimum temperature = 30.1°F on day 21 at time 09:20 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 21 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 81% on day 21 at time 15:36 Maximum dewpoint = 33.8°F on day 21 at time 13:01 Minimum dewpoint = 28.9°F on day 21 at time 9:18 Maximum pressure = 30.159 in. on day 21 at time 10:53 Minimum pressure = 29.948 in. on day 21 at time 23:57 Maximum windspeed = 6.9 mph on day 21 at time 18:19 Maximum gust speed = 6.9 mph from 090 °( E ) on day 21 at time 18:51 Maximum heat index = 37.6°F on day 21 at time 15:23 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :21 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :22 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 32.2°F Average humidity = 93% Average dewpoint = 30.4°F Average barometer = 30.1 in. Average windspeed = 3.8 mph Average gustspeed = 4.8 mph Average direction = 86° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 2.33 in. Rainfall for year = 5.21 in. Rainfall for day = 0.20 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 22 at time 13:14 Maximum temperature = 40.9°F on day 22 at time 05:47 Minimum temperature = 29.6°F on day 22 at time 21:35 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 22 at time 05:09 Minimum humidity = 83% on day 22 at time 05:54 Maximum dewpoint = 37.0°F on day 22 at time 05:43 Minimum dewpoint = 27.8°F on day 22 at time 021:35 Maximum pressure = 30.222 in. on day 22 at time 12:45 Minimum pressure = 29.819 in. on day 22 at time 05:45 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 22 at time 23:04 Maximum gust speed = 19.6 mph from 315 °( NW) on day 22 at time 23:03 Maximum heat index = 40.9°F on day 22 at time 05:47 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :22 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :23 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 31.3°F Average humidity = 94% Average dewpoint = 29.9°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 1.7 mph Average gustspeed = 2.6 mph Average direction = 229° ( SW) Rainfall for month = 2.56 in. Rainfall for year = 5.44 in. Rainfall for day = 0.23 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 23 at time 12:42 Maximum temperature = 36.2°F on day 23 at time 12:43 Minimum temperature = 26.9°F on day 23 at time 21:29 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 23 at time 21:55 Minimum humidity = 89% on day 23 at time 12:57 Maximum dewpoint = 34.0°F on day 23 at time 12:40 Minimum dewpoint = 25.7°F on day 23 at time 21:29 Maximum pressure = 30.352 in. on day 23 at time 22:37 Minimum pressure = 30.059 in. on day 23 at time 00:02 Maximum windspeed = 9.2 mph on day 23 at time 22:04 Maximum gust speed = 11.5 mph from 158 °(SSE) on day 23 at time 22:03 Maximum heat index = 36.2°F on day 23 at time 12:43 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :23 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :24 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 35.1°F Average humidity = 90% Average dewpoint = 32.3°F Average barometer = 30.2 in. Average windspeed = 3.5 mph Average gustspeed = 4.5 mph Average direction = 131° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 2.57 in. Rainfall for year = 5.45 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 24 at time 11:49 Maximum temperature = 43.0°F on day 24 at time 13:43 Minimum temperature = 26.1°F on day 24 at time 03:26 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 24 at time 07:49 Minimum humidity = 75% on day 24 at time 13:46 Maximum dewpoint = 37.3°F on day 24 at time 20:30 Minimum dewpoint = 24.9°F on day 24 at time 3:26 Maximum pressure = 30.327 in. on day 24 at time 00:02 Minimum pressure = 30.028 in. on day 24 at time 23:04 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 24 at time 05:07 Maximum gust speed = 16.1 mph from 158 °(SSE) on day 24 at time 05:03 Maximum heat index = 43.0°F on day 24 at time 13:43 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :24 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 41.4°F Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 36.7°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 2.0 mph Average gustspeed = 2.9 mph Average direction = 266° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 2.97 in. Rainfall for year = 5.85 in. Rainfall for day = 0.40 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 25 at time 23:49 Maximum temperature = 55.6°F on day 25 at time 13:17 Minimum temperature = 29.7°F on day 25 at time 06:42 Maximum humidity = 95% on day 25 at time 00:00 Minimum humidity = 55% on day 25 at time 13:20 Maximum dewpoint = 43.9°F on day 25 at time 14:50 Minimum dewpoint = 27.9°F on day 25 at time 6:41 Maximum pressure = 30.057 in. on day 25 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 29.741 in. on day 25 at time 23:39 Maximum windspeed = 11.5 mph on day 25 at time 17:40 Maximum gust speed = 13.8 mph from 180 °( S ) on day 25 at time 17:43 Maximum heat index = 55.6°F on day 25 at time 13:17 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :25 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :26 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 37.5°F Average humidity = 92% Average dewpoint = 35.4°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 3.1 mph Average gustspeed = 4.4 mph Average direction = 250° (WSW) Rainfall for month = 3.71 in. Rainfall for year = 6.59 in. Rainfall for day = 0.74 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 26 at time 21:27 Maximum temperature = 46.3°F on day 26 at time 16:16 Minimum temperature = 32.5°F on day 26 at time 08:32 Maximum humidity = 99% on day 26 at time 10:13 Minimum humidity = 71% on day 26 at time 17:52 Maximum dewpoint = 39.8°F on day 26 at time 16:09 Minimum dewpoint = 31.1°F on day 26 at time 23:17 Maximum pressure = 30.072 in. on day 26 at time 21:19 Minimum pressure = 29.733 in. on day 26 at time 03:51 Maximum windspeed = 17.3 mph on day 26 at time 20:42 Maximum gust speed = 26.5 mph from 180 °( S ) on day 26 at time 20:57 Maximum heat index = 46.3°F on day 26 at time 16:16 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :26 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :27 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 41.9°F Average humidity = 71% Average dewpoint = 32.7°F Average barometer = 30.0 in. Average windspeed = 7.1 mph Average gustspeed = 9.5 mph Average direction = 166° (SSE) Rainfall for month = 3.72 in. Rainfall for year = 6.60 in. Rainfall for day = 0.01 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 27 at time 07:42 Maximum temperature = 52.4°F on day 27 at time 15:03 Minimum temperature = 32.3°F on day 27 at time 03:46 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 27 at time 03:17 Minimum humidity = 46% on day 27 at time 16:18 Maximum dewpoint = 38.0°F on day 27 at time 13:26 Minimum dewpoint = 28.0°F on day 27 at time 5:54 Maximum pressure = 30.085 in. on day 27 at time 08:22 Minimum pressure = 29.809 in. on day 27 at time 23:31 Maximum windspeed = 18.4 mph on day 27 at time 16:33 Maximum gust speed = 26.5 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 27 at time 16:31 Maximum heat index = 52.4°F on day 27 at time 15:03 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :27 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :28 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 39.3°F Average humidity = 87% Average dewpoint = 35.5°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 5.7 mph Average gustspeed = 7.7 mph Average direction = 150° (SSE) Rainfall for month = 4.10 in. Rainfall for year = 6.98 in. Rainfall for day = 0.38 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 28 at time 20:24 Maximum temperature = 52.1°F on day 28 at time 14:59 Minimum temperature = 32.2°F on day 28 at time 10:12 Maximum humidity = 100% on day 28 at time 11:20 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 28 at time 00:38 Maximum dewpoint = 43.1°F on day 28 at time 14:53 Minimum dewpoint = 30.7°F on day 28 at time 010:12 Maximum pressure = 30.119 in. on day 28 at time 21:22 Minimum pressure = 29.783 in. on day 28 at time 01:31 Maximum windspeed = 15.0 mph on day 28 at time 15:13 Maximum gust speed = 25.3 mph from 090 °( E ) on day 28 at time 16:02 Maximum heat index = 52.1°F on day 28 at time 14:59 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :28 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :29 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 42.8°F Average humidity = 74% Average dewpoint = 34.9°F Average barometer = 29.9 in. Average windspeed = 8.7 mph Average gustspeed = 11.9 mph Average direction = 187° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 4.12 in. Rainfall for year = 7.00 in. Rainfall for day = 0.02 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 29 at time 08:23 Maximum temperature = 51.5°F on day 29 at time 15:07 Minimum temperature = 34.4°F on day 29 at time 00:58 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 29 at time 08:40 Minimum humidity = 54% on day 29 at time 17:09 Maximum dewpoint = 38.7°F on day 29 at time 14:54 Minimum dewpoint = 31.1°F on day 29 at time 6:14 Maximum pressure = 30.062 in. on day 29 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 29.740 in. on day 29 at time 23:34 Maximum windspeed = 25.3 mph on day 29 at time 16:00 Maximum gust speed = 34.5 mph from 180 °( S ) on day 29 at time 16:00 Maximum heat index = 51.5°F on day 29 at time 15:07 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :29 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 0.0 DMC = 0.0 BUI = 0.0 ISI = 0.0 DC = 0.0 FWI = 0.0 Averages\Extremes for day :30 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 43.0°F Average humidity = 84% Average dewpoint = 38.1°F Average barometer = 29.8 in. Average windspeed = 7.6 mph Average gustspeed = 10.6 mph Average direction = 209° (SSW) Rainfall for month = 4.53 in. Rainfall for year = 7.41 in. Rainfall for day = 0.41 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 30 at time 23:20 Maximum temperature = 54.3°F on day 30 at time 11:44 Minimum temperature = 33.8°F on day 30 at time 00:00 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 30 at time 23:54 Minimum humidity = 61% on day 30 at time 12:11 Maximum dewpoint = 43.8°F on day 30 at time 10:53 Minimum dewpoint = 32.5°F on day 30 at time 0:00 Maximum pressure = 29.894 in. on day 30 at time 21:23 Minimum pressure = 29.656 in. on day 30 at time 07:17 Maximum windspeed = 25.3 mph on day 30 at time 02:57 Maximum gust speed = 33.4 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 30 at time 07:18 Maximum heat index = 54.3°F on day 30 at time 11:44 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :30 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 51.6 DMC = 0.2 BUI = 0.4 ISI = 0.3 DC = 169.9 FWI = 0.1 Averages\Extremes for day :31 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 41.7°F Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 35.6°F Average barometer = 29.7 in. Average windspeed = 10.4 mph Average gustspeed = 13.7 mph Average direction = 175° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 4.65 in. Rainfall for year = 7.53 in. Rainfall for day = 0.12 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.01 in. on day 31 at time 23:45 Maximum temperature = 62.6°F on day 31 at time 15:10 Minimum temperature = 31.9°F on day 31 at time 23:02 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 31 at time 23:42 Minimum humidity = 38% on day 31 at time 14:07 Maximum dewpoint = 46.1°F on day 31 at time 10:10 Minimum dewpoint = 30.6°F on day 31 at time 22:59 Maximum pressure = 29.893 in. on day 31 at time 00:46 Minimum pressure = 29.446 in. on day 31 at time 15:09 Maximum windspeed = 35.7 mph on day 31 at time 13:07 Maximum gust speed = 47.2 mph from 203 °(SSW) on day 31 at time 13:07 Maximum heat index = 62.6°F on day 31 at time 15:10 Click here for today´s 24 hour graph :31 :3 :2012
Fire Weather Index Values FFMC = 63.9 DMC = 1.1 BUI = 2.1 ISI = 3.3 DC = 151.4 FWI = 1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Averages\Extremes for the month of March 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average temperature = 36.4°F Average humidity = 80% Average dewpoint = 30.2°F Average barometer = 30.033 in. Average windspeed = 4.8 mph Average gustspeed = 6.5 mph Average direction = 189° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 4.650 in. Rainfall for year = 7.528 in. Maximum rain per minute = 0.010 in on day 30 at time 23:20 Maximum temperature = 66.5°F on day 09 at time 14:18 Minimum temperature = 20.6°F on day 19 at time 07:46 Maximum humidity = 100% on day 28 at time 11:20 Minimum humidity = 32% on day 09 at time 14:25 Maximum dewpoint = 46.1°F on day 31 at time 10:10 Minimum dewpoint = 11.0°F on day 06 at time 22:14 Maximum pressure = 30.69 in. on day 08 at time 07:45 Minimum pressure = 29.45 in. on day 31 at time 15:09 Maximum windspeed = 38.0 mph from 203°(SSW) on day 13 at time 05:24 Maximum gust speed = 49.5 mph from 203°(SSW) on day 13 at time 05:23 Maximum heat index = 66.5°F on day 09 at time 14:18 Avg daily max temp :45.6°F Avg daily min temp :29.1°F Total windrun = 3541.1miles Frost days= 21 Ice days= 2 ----------------------------------- Daily rain totals ----------------------------------- 00.02 in. on day 1 00.02 in. on day 2 00.03 in. on day 3 00.01 in. on day 4 00.15 in. on day 5 00.20 in. on day 11 00.01 in. on day 12 00.11 in. on day 13 00.03 in. on day 14 00.15 in. on day 15 00.58 in. on day 16 00.17 in. on day 17 00.01 in. on day 18 00.01 in. on day 19 00.04 in. on day 20 00.59 in. on day 21 00.20 in. on day 22 00.23 in. on day 23 00.01 in. on day 24 00.40 in. on day 25 00.74 in. on day 26 00.01 in. on day 27 00.38 in. on day 28 00.02 in. on day 29 00.41 in. on day 30 00.12 in. on day 31